import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import List, TypedDict import discord from discord import Guild, Interaction from redbot.core import Config, app_commands, commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_timedelta, pagify class BonkImage(TypedDict): name: str url: str class HornyTimer(commands.Cog): """Tracks how low your discord has managed to not be horny for.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf( self, identifier=3849421352, force_registration=True ) default_guild = { "last_horny": 0, "reset_count": 0, "bonk_images": [], } self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) @app_commands.command(name="resethornytimer") @app_commands.guild_only() async def reset(self, interaction: Interaction) -> None: """Reset the timer.""" if not interaction.guild: return prev_timestamp = await self._get_last_horny(interaction.guild) await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).last_horny.set( ) await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).reset_count.set( (await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).reset_count()) + 1 ) random_bonk_image = await self._get_random_bonk_image(interaction.guild) await interaction.response.send_message( embed=discord.Embed( title="Timer reset.", description=f"Timer reset. This discord managed to not be horny for {self.get_time_diff(prev_timestamp)}.", ).set_image(url=random_bonk_image["url"]) ) @app_commands.command(name="checkhornytimer") @app_commands.guild_only() async def check_timer(self, interaction: Interaction) -> None: """Check for how long this Discord has managed to not be horny.""" if not interaction.guild: return diff = self.get_time_diff(await self._get_last_horny(interaction.guild)) await interaction.response.send_message( f"Timer hasn't been reset for {diff}. Good job everyone!" ) @commands.guild_only() @commands.mod_or_permissions(manage_channels=True) async def bonkimage(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage bonk images.""" @bonkimage.command(name="add") async def bonk_image_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str, url: str) -> None: """Add a bonk image to the list of bonk images.""" if not ctx.guild: return bonk_images = await self._get_bonk_images(ctx.guild) if any(image["name"] == name for image in bonk_images): await ctx.send("Bonk image with that name already exists.") return bonk_images.append({"name": name, "url": url}) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).bonk_images.set(bonk_images) await ctx.send("Bonk image added.") @bonkimage.command(name="remove") async def bonk_image_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str) -> None: """Remove a bonk image from the list of bonk images.""" if not ctx.guild: return bonk_images = await self._get_bonk_images(ctx.guild) bonk_images = [image for image in bonk_images if image["name"] != name] await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).bonk_images.set(bonk_images) await ctx.send("Bonk image removed.") @bonkimage.command(name="list") async def bonk_image_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Remove a bonk image from the list of bonk images.""" if not ctx.guild: return embed_list = [] for image in await self._get_bonk_images(ctx.guild): embed_list.append(f"**{image['name']}** - <{image['url']}>") if len(embed_list) == 0: await ctx.send("No bonk images found.") return ret = [] for page in pagify("\n".join(embed_list)): ret.append(await ctx.send(page)) return ret def get_time_diff(self, timestamp: float) -> str: return humanize_timedelta( timedelta=(timedelta( - timestamp)) ) async def _get_last_horny(self, guild: Guild) -> float: return await self.config.guild(guild).last_horny() async def _get_reset_count(self, guild: Guild) -> int: return await self.config.guild(guild).reset_count() async def _get_bonk_images(self, guild: Guild) -> List[BonkImage]: return await self.config.guild(guild).bonk_images() async def _get_random_bonk_image(self, guild: Guild) -> BonkImage: bonk_images = await self._get_bonk_images(guild) return bonk_images[random.randint(0, len(bonk_images) - 1)]