Actually works now?

Carsten Kragelund 2024-03-13 17:28:46 +01:00
parent 5a31d63c3f
commit cf666a0d05
4 changed files with 49 additions and 9 deletions

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(target main)
(pps melange.ppx))
(libraries hcfg))

@ -1,10 +1,46 @@
type bytearray
external create_bytearray: Bytes.t -> bytearray = "Uint8Array" []
module JsValue = struct
type jsvalue =
| NUMBER of Js.Float.t
| STRING of Js.String.t
| BINARY of bytearray
| NULL of unit Js.Nullable.t
| ARRAY of jsvalue Js.Array.t
| OBJECT of jsvalue Js.Dict.t
let parse str =
let rec hvalue_to_js x = match x with
| Hcfg.Parser.STRING s -> Js.Json.string s
| Hcfg.Parser.INTEGER i -> Js.Json.number (float_of_int i)
| Hcfg.Parser.FLOAT f -> Js.Json.number f
| Hcfg.Parser.BINARY _ -> failwith "Binary not supported"
| Hcfg.Parser.NULL -> Js.Json.null
| Hcfg.Parser.ARRAY a -> Js.Json.array (Array.of_list ( hvalue_to_js a))
| Hcfg.Parser.OBJECT o -> Js.Json.object_ (Js.Dict.fromList ( (fun (k, v) -> (k, hvalue_to_js v)) (Hcfg.Parser.Obj.to_list o))) in
Hcfg.Lexer.generate_tokens str |> Hcfg.Parser.parse |> hvalue_to_js
let _hvalue_to_js = [%mel.raw {|
function _hvalue_to_js(hvalue) {
switch (hvalue.TAG) {
case 0:
// Number
case 1:
// String
case 2:
// Binary
case 3:
// Null
return hvalue._0
case 4:
// Array
case 5:
// Obj
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(hvalue._0).map(([k, v]) => [k, _hvalue_to_js(v)])
|}] in
let rec hvalue_to_js = function
| Hcfg.Parser.STRING s -> JsValue.STRING s
| Hcfg.Parser.INTEGER i -> JsValue.NUMBER (float_of_int i)
| Hcfg.Parser.FLOAT f -> JsValue.NUMBER f
| Hcfg.Parser.BINARY b -> JsValue.BINARY (create_bytearray b)
| Hcfg.Parser.NULL -> JsValue.NULL (Js.Nullable.null)
| Hcfg.Parser.ARRAY a -> JsValue.ARRAY (Array.of_list ( hvalue_to_js a))
| Hcfg.Parser.OBJECT o -> JsValue.OBJECT (Js.Dict.fromList ( (fun (k, v) -> (k, hvalue_to_js v)) (Hcfg.Parser.Obj.to_list o))) in
Hcfg.Lexer.generate_tokens str |> Hcfg.Parser.parse |> hvalue_to_js |> _hvalue_to_js

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ module Parser = struct
| (OBJECT a, OBJECT b) -> Obj.equal equal a b
| _ -> false
let stringify_bytes b = Bytes.fold_left (fun acc b -> acc ^ Printf.sprintf "\\x%2x" (Char.code b)) "" b
let rec hvalue_to_string = function
| INTEGER a -> "INTEGER: " ^ Int.to_string a

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
key: "value",
/* this is a comment */
other_key: 100,
nulled: null,
floating: 123f,
other_float: 123.3,
bin: b"test",