@ -1018,11 +1018,14 @@ func CreateRepository(u *User, opts CreateRepoOptions) (_ *Repository, err error
return repo, sess.Commit()
func countRepositories(showPrivate bool) int64 {
sess := x.NewSession()
func countRepositories(userID int64, private bool) int64 {
sess := x.Where("id > 0")
if !showPrivate {
sess.Where("is_private=?", false)
if userID > 0 {
sess.And("owner_id = ?", userID)
if !private {
sess.And("is_private=?", false)
count, err := sess.Count(new(Repository))
@ -1033,13 +1036,17 @@ func countRepositories(showPrivate bool) int64 {
// CountRepositories returns number of repositories.
func CountRepositories() int64 {
return countRepositories(true)
// Argument private only takes effect when it is false,
// set it true to count all repositories.
func CountRepositories(private bool) int64 {
return countRepositories(-1, private)
// CountPublicRepositories returns number of public repositories.
func CountPublicRepositories() int64 {
return countRepositories(false)
// CountUserRepositories returns number of repositories user owns.
// Argument private only takes effect when it is false,
// set it true to count all repositories.
func CountUserRepositories(userID int64, private bool) int64 {
return countRepositories(userID, private)
func Repositories(page, pageSize int) (_ []*Repository, err error) {
@ -1448,16 +1455,26 @@ func GetRepositoryByID(id int64) (*Repository, error) {
return getRepositoryByID(x, id)
// GetRepositories returns a list of repositories of given user.
func GetRepositories(uid int64, private bool) ([]*Repository, error) {
repos := make([]*Repository, 0, 10)
sess := x.Desc("updated_unix")
// GetUserRepositories returns a list of repositories of given user.
func GetUserRepositories(userID int64, private bool, page, pageSize int) ([]*Repository, error) {
sess := x.Where("owner_id = ?", userID).Desc("updated_unix")
if !private {
sess.Where("is_private=?", false)
sess.And("is_private=?", false)
return repos, sess.Find(&repos, &Repository{OwnerID: uid})
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
sess.Limit(pageSize, (page-1)*pageSize)
repos := make([]*Repository, 0, pageSize)
return repos, sess.Find(&repos)
// GetUserRepositories returns a list of mirror repositories of given user.
func GetUserMirrorRepositories(userID int64) ([]*Repository, error) {
repos := make([]*Repository, 0, 10)
return repos, x.Where("owner_id = ?", userID).And("is_mirror = ?", true).Find(&repos)
// GetRecentUpdatedRepositories returns the list of repositories that are recently updated.
@ -1849,6 +1866,74 @@ func CheckRepoStats() {
// ***** END: Repository.NumForks *****
type RepositoryList []*Repository
func (repos RepositoryList) loadAttributes(e Engine) error {
if len(repos) == 0 {
return nil
// Load owners.
set := make(map[int64]*User)
for i := range repos {
set[repos[i].OwnerID] = nil
userIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(set))
for userID := range set {
userIDs = append(userIDs, userID)
users := make([]*User, 0, len(userIDs))
if err := e.Where("id > 0").In("id", userIDs).Find(&users); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("find users: %v", err)
for i := range users {
set[users[i].ID] = users[i]
for i := range repos {
repos[i].Owner = set[repos[i].OwnerID]
return nil
func (repos RepositoryList) LoadAttributes() error {
return repos.loadAttributes(x)
type MirrorRepositoryList []*Repository
func (repos MirrorRepositoryList) loadAttributes(e Engine) error {
if len(repos) == 0 {
return nil
// Load mirrors.
repoIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(repos))
for i := range repos {
if !repos[i].IsMirror {
repoIDs = append(repoIDs, repos[i].ID)
mirrors := make([]*Mirror, 0, len(repoIDs))
if err := e.Where("id > 0").In("repo_id", repoIDs).Find(&mirrors); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("find mirrors: %v", err)
set := make(map[int64]*Mirror)
for i := range mirrors {
set[mirrors[i].RepoID] = mirrors[i]
for i := range repos {
repos[i].Mirror = set[repos[i].ID]
return nil
func (repos MirrorRepositoryList) LoadAttributes() error {
return repos.loadAttributes(x)
// __ __ __ .__
// / \ / \_____ _/ |_ ____ | |__
// \ \/\/ /\__ \\ __\/ ___\| | \
@ -1863,40 +1948,40 @@ type Watch struct {
RepoID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"`
func isWatching(e Engine, uid, repoId int64) bool {
has, _ := e.Get(&Watch{0, uid, repoId})
func isWatching(e Engine, userID, repoID int64) bool {
has, _ := e.Get(&Watch{0, userID, repoID})
return has
// IsWatching checks if user has watched given repository.
func IsWatching(uid, repoId int64) bool {
return isWatching(x, uid, repoId)
func IsWatching(userID, repoID int64) bool {
return isWatching(x, userID, repoID)
func watchRepo(e Engine, uid, repoId int64, watch bool) (err error) {
func watchRepo(e Engine, userID, repoID int64, watch bool) (err error) {
if watch {
if isWatching(e, uid, repoId) {
if isWatching(e, userID, repoID) {
return nil
if _, err = e.Insert(&Watch{RepoID: repoId, UserID: uid}); err != nil {
if _, err = e.Insert(&Watch{RepoID: repoID, UserID: userID}); err != nil {
return err
_, err = e.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ?", repoId)
_, err = e.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ?", repoID)
} else {
if !isWatching(e, uid, repoId) {
if !isWatching(e, userID, repoID) {
return nil
if _, err = e.Delete(&Watch{0, uid, repoId}); err != nil {
if _, err = e.Delete(&Watch{0, userID, repoID}); err != nil {
return err
_, err = e.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches=num_watches-1 WHERE id=?", repoId)
_, err = e.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches - 1 WHERE id = ?", repoID)
return err
// Watch or unwatch repository.
func WatchRepo(uid, repoId int64, watch bool) (err error) {
return watchRepo(x, uid, repoId, watch)
func WatchRepo(userID, repoID int64, watch bool) (err error) {
return watchRepo(x, userID, repoID, watch)
func getWatchers(e Engine, repoID int64) ([]*Watch, error) {
@ -1967,34 +2052,34 @@ type Star struct {
// Star or unstar repository.
func StarRepo(uid, repoId int64, star bool) (err error) {
func StarRepo(userID, repoID int64, star bool) (err error) {
if star {
if IsStaring(uid, repoId) {
if IsStaring(userID, repoID) {
return nil
if _, err = x.Insert(&Star{UID: uid, RepoID: repoId}); err != nil {
if _, err = x.Insert(&Star{UID: userID, RepoID: repoID}); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_stars = num_stars + 1 WHERE id = ?", repoId); err != nil {
} else if _, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_stars = num_stars + 1 WHERE id = ?", repoID); err != nil {
return err
_, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `user` SET num_stars = num_stars + 1 WHERE id = ?", uid)
_, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `user` SET num_stars = num_stars + 1 WHERE id = ?", userID)
} else {
if !IsStaring(uid, repoId) {
if !IsStaring(userID, repoID) {
return nil
if _, err = x.Delete(&Star{0, uid, repoId}); err != nil {
if _, err = x.Delete(&Star{0, userID, repoID}); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_stars = num_stars - 1 WHERE id = ?", repoId); err != nil {
} else if _, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `repository` SET num_stars = num_stars - 1 WHERE id = ?", repoID); err != nil {
return err
_, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `user` SET num_stars = num_stars - 1 WHERE id = ?", uid)
_, err = x.Exec("UPDATE `user` SET num_stars = num_stars - 1 WHERE id = ?", userID)
return err
// IsStaring checks if user has starred given repository.
func IsStaring(uid, repoId int64) bool {
has, _ := x.Get(&Star{0, uid, repoId})
func IsStaring(userID, repoID int64) bool {
has, _ := x.Get(&Star{0, userID, repoID})
return has